Monday, June 27, 2011

"Fitting" it all in

Last night, DH made the comment that he felt we just could not keep up with the laundry. My response was that it was not a big deal. We have a newborn we are trying to take care, we are getting our workouts in, cooking at home, and staying in touch with our friends and family. I am not too worried if the laundry piles up or the house is a mess sometimes. Something's gotta give!

This is how we are fitting in our workouts:

We are both up at 6AM with the baby. I eat a quick breakfast, pump a bottle of milk, and get ready for my bike ride. I am out the door at 7AM for a 1 hour ride, followed by a 15 minute run. I have a triathlon on Friday, and thought I should do a brick workout. : )

I was home and showered ready to take Wesley at 8:45. DH then poked around on his bike (I have no idea what he was doing), ate breakfast, and went for a ride at 10AM. He was home at 12. Right in time for lunch. So by noon, we were both happy, fit people.

We are going to try to go to a lake after work so DH can swim while I watch Wesley, and then I can go run 45 minutes while DH watches him. We are learning the important lesson of "taking turns". I also plan to jump in the lake after my swim to cool off, and get used to open water swim. Have I mentioned I have this triathlon on Friday?

It is too early to start worrying about this race but already I am thinking about what I will wear, if the water will be cold, what if Wesley wants to eat 5 minutes before the start....we will talk about all this later in the week.

Hope you have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. You will do great in the race!! Sounds like yall are being great parents by staying healthy and fit, and also taking turns. Cant wait to see Wesley in a few days!
